Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi

Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi colors the night summer sky on August 16.

Along with the Gion Festival, it is one of the festivals that represents and reminds Kyoto of summer. The Hi-gashiyama Nyoigadake Daimonji is actually best known for Okuribi, hence is what is re-ferred to when talking about Okuribi, but there are others such as the Hidaridaimonji of Kinkakuji Okitayama (Daimonji), Myoho of Matsugasaki Nishiyama (Mandoroyama) and Higashiyama (Daikokutenyama), Funagata of Nishigamofuneyama, and the Toriigata of Saga Mandarayama, all lit during the same evening on different times, and are called the Kyoto Gozanokuribi.


1 Daimonji

2 Myou Hou

3 Funagata

4 reft Daimonji

5 Torii gata

From 20:00, the lights will be lit in order from No. 1.


You can see it from many places in Kyoto-city .
Please come by all means!!